Monday, July 12, 2010

Just Down, not out.

It's been a while. My apologies for not posting as of late. Seems that my almost fifty-ish body has overridden my 21 year old mind. I tell you it really sucks getting older. As one of my buddies was so kind to tell me, "Hey 2WT, you're not 45 anymore." Thanks for the reminder.

I've moved up from crutches, to cane, to limp, back to my swagger, and I'm ready to get back into the saddle. You'd think that with the many years I've been doing enforcement riding that any injuries would have been from some riding mishap and not tearing or ripping muscles.

Desk duty sucks, nothing could make it better, even if they'd mounted handlebars and allowed me to wear my helmet while seated there in front of a computer terminal....

So to the motorists in my jurisdiction, I'll be out very very soon with a renewed zeal and appreciation for being back on two wheels.


  1. Hey 2WT,

    I discovered your blog a few months ago and have enjoyed your stories. I hope you get well soon. Sorry to hear you've been injured.

    So, what kind work is involved in desk duty?

  2. Ouch!! Hope you feel better soon! I'm sure all of the motorist are looking forward to having you on the road...

    And the girls/guys in the office are looking forward to having you out of their hair! (teasing)


  3. Oh, I think it's DISGUSTING that when you get to be a certain age, you can injure yourself just getting out of bed the wrong way.....

  4. The image of a cop wearing a helmet, sitting at a desk with mounted handlebars, will be with me for days, making me giggle my tiny brains out.

    Glad you're doing better!

  5. Sorry to hear that you've been laid up. What happened?

  6. Glad you're better.

    The helmet and handlebars might not have cheered you up, but I'm sure they'd have made everybody else's day a bit brighter.

  7. And I know that your love of the job will speed your recovery. :)

    I tell the young guys that I'm not slow, I'm deliberate.

  8. Glad to see you back. As someone whom AARP is now frequently e-mailing, asking me to join, I can appreciate your dilemma.

  9. I was feeling that same way, ready to meet some new motorist once I was cleared from IOD and then a Sgt I like hits me up when I stopped by to get a paycheck.

    He told me he has been directed to write people up for the stupidest of things. He encouraged me to make sure (wink) I was well enough before coming back.

  10. Glad you're on the mend. Soon you'll be back to RALB...

  11. OK> I can't hold my breath any longer!! Are you back on the street again? Anyone do something stupid enough to be blog worthy??

    I miss ya bud!! Please come back to us!

  12. @Moose--ROTFLMAO--you and I had the same vision. Enough said...
